How to copy data between Planning Areas using Web socket RFC on CI-DS

IBP has option to copy Key Figures between 2 planning areas using Copy Operator Profiles but there is no option within IBP to copy Master Data between 2 planning areas.

There is a way to manually copy from one Planning Area to another but there was no automatic option until SAP introduced Web socket RFC connection methodology on CI-DS.

Below is step by step guide to explain how to copy data between Planning Areas using CI-DS.

Step 1: Create IBP Data Store on CI-DS

To connect to an SAP IBP instance via WebSocket RFC, create an SAP Cloud Integration for data services datastore with the following options/parameters:

Note: In this scenario, we will be using the above data store as both source and target for integrating both Master and Key Figure Data.

Master Data integration between two Planning Areas using Web Socket RFC:

Step 2: Determine Source and Target Objects

In the scenario below are two Planning Areas being integrated from CI-DS.

Source Planning Area – ‘SAPIBP2202’

Target Planning Area – ‘SAPIBP2205’

Below are Master data Types being copied:

Source Master Data – ‘S02PRODUCT’

Target Master Data – ‘SA5PRODUCT’

Step 3: Import Source and Target Objects to CI-DS using Datastore created in Step 1:

Source Data Store – ‘IBP_D’

Target Data Store – ‘IBP_D’

Source Object – ‘SOPMD_S02PRODUCT’


Step 4: Create Project, Tasks, Dataflow:

Create Project – IBP Data Copy

Under the Project, Create a Task IBP_To_IBP ProductMD Integration Web Socket for Master Data integration between two Planning Areas using IBP_D datastore as both source and target.

Select SOPMD_S02PRODUCT and SOPMD_STAG_SA5PRODUCT as the source and target objects respectively.

Map all the required attributes from source to target objects respectively.

Provide all the required parameters under the execution properties.

Run the Task once done with the data flow creation.

Data Flow:

In below screen shot, it can be seen that Source MD (SOPMD_SO2Product) is Mapped straight to Target MD (SOPMD_STAG_SA5Product)

Note: In the above data flow, we have filtered on Product ID = ‘IBP-9’ for Demo Perspective. You can have your respective filters as per your requirement or it can be run wide open with no Filter.

Once Mapping is done, Run Dataflow Task

Specify Agent using which this Task needs to be run.

CI-DS Output:

Check Log to verify that it ran successful and number of records match with Source MD or Filter criteria.

Logon to IBP Instance and check Data Integration App to verify and validate the data transfer job triggered from CI-DS

IBP Output:

Transactional Data integration between two Planning Areas using WebSocket RFC:

This Methodology can be used even to integrate Transactional data. There are copy operators to do it but with this option, all Key Figures can be copied using single CI-DS Task.

Objects considered on the IBP end:

Let’s consider 2 Planning Areas to integrate the data between them in IBP.

Source Planning Area – ‘SAPIBP2202’

Target Planning Area – ‘SAPIBP2205’



Objects considered on the CI-DS end:

Source Data Store – ‘IBP_D’

Target Data Store – ‘IBP_D’



Steps performed in CI-DS:

  1. Create a Task IBP_To_IBP_ConsensusDemand_Integration_WebSocket for Key Figure Data integration between two Planning Areas using IBP_D datastore as both source and target.
  2. Select SOPDD_STAGING_KFTAB_SAPIBP1SAPIBP2202_REP and SOPDD_STAGING_KFTAB_SAPIBP1SAPIBP2205 as the source and target objects respectively.
  3. Map all the required attributes from source to target objects respectively.
  4. Provide all the required parameters under the execution properties.
  5. Run the Task once done with the data flow creation.

Data Flow:

Note: In the above data flow we have filtered on Product ID = ‘IBP-9’ and Consensus Demand > 0. You can have your respective filters as per your requirement.

CI-DS Output:

IBP Output:


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